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How to make a fold and stitch wreath? I really want to have one

How can I create a charming fold and stitch wreath for my home decor? Can you show me step by step to do it?

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Best Answer

  1. This answer was edited.

    Here the step by steps below:

    Step 1: Cut Fabric

    Cut twelve squares measuring 5.5 inches by 5.5 inches from each of the two contrasting fabrics.

    How to make a fold and stitch wreath (1)-min

    Step 2: Apply Interfacing

    Cut twelve squares measuring five inches by five inches of heat and bond interfacing.

    Affix these squares to the wrong side of the dark fabric squares, ensuring proper centering and leaving approximately a quarter-inch margin from the edge.

    Apply heat to the interfacing and fabric using an iron for a duration of three to five seconds per square, taking care to avoid prolonged exposure to heat.

    How to make a fold and stitch wreath (2)-min

    Step 3: Sew Squares Together

    Please choose your preferred sewing method:

    How to make a fold and stitch wreath (3)-min

    • Remove all backing by using a Teflon or plastic foot.
    • Sew while leaving a small portion of paper on the heat and bond, and remove it later.

    Align the dark squares (with interfacing) with the light squares, placing the right sides together. Secure with pins along the edges.

    How to make a fold and stitch wreath (4)-min

    Sew a quarter-inch seam around the square, ensuring to leave a 2-inch opening for turning. Remember to backstitch at the beginning and end. For ease, start sewing from the center rather than the corner.

    How to make a fold and stitch wreath (5)-min

    Step 4: Turn and Press

    Trim the corners before turning the square right side out.

    How to make a fold and stitch wreath (6)-min

    Carefully push out the corners using a chopstick or your finger.

    How to make a fold and stitch wreath (7)-min

    If there is any remaining paper (if using the paper-on method), remove it.

    Press the edges open with your finger and secure with clips.

    How to make a fold and stitch wreath (8)-min

    Use an iron to flatten the squares, ensuring proper adherence of the heat and bond, while avoiding prolonged exposure to heat.

    Step 5: Sew Around Edges

    Stitch a scant quarter-inch seam around the entire project, effectively closing the 2-inch opening and providing a refined finish.

    Step 6: Create Template

    Cut a 5.5-inch square from cardstock material. Measure 2.75 inches from two adjacent points and 0.75 inches from the other two points. Connect the marked spots to create a precise template.

    Step 7: Mark and Sew

    Position the template on a square surface and carefully trace along the designated lines. Fold the fabric precisely along these lines to facilitate the sewing process.

    Align two squares with their light sides facing each other, then sew along the indicated line. Repeat this step for subsequent squares until a complete circle is formed.

    Ensure the final two squares are connected seamlessly to achieve a finished circle.

    Step 8: Fold and Stitch

    1. Gently open the seams between the squares using your finger.
    2. Align each point of the squares, overlapping them by approximately 0.25 inches.
    3. Carefully hand-stitch the points together, considering the use of grippy thimbles for added ease.
    4. After stitching all the points together, trim any excess threads as needed.

    Step 9: Final Touches

    Enhance the wreath by adding buttons or other decorative elements if desired.

    How to make a fold and stitch wreath (9)-min

    Utilize the completed 3D table topper as a centerpiece for your selected occasion or holiday.

    How to make a fold and stitch wreath (10)-min

    How to make a fold and stitch wreath (11)-minHow to make a fold and stitch wreath (12)-min

    Remember to take your time and enjoy the process!

    How to make a fold and stitch wreath (13)-min

    Materials Needed:

    • Two contrasting fabrics (dark and light)
    • Heat and bond light or feather light interfacing
    • Sewing machine
    • Iron
    • Scissors
    • Cardstock for template
    • Marking pen (friction pen or water-soluble)
    • Hand-sewing needle
    • Thimble (optional)
    • Buttons or embellishments (optional)

    See more Quilting Tools here

2 Her Answers

  1. This answer was edited.

    Here the step by steps below:

    Step 1: Cut Fabric

    Cut twelve squares measuring 5.5 inches by 5.5 inches from each of the two contrasting fabrics.

    How to make a fold and stitch wreath (1)-min

    Step 2: Apply Interfacing

    Cut twelve squares measuring five inches by five inches of heat and bond interfacing.

    Affix these squares to the wrong side of the dark fabric squares, ensuring proper centering and leaving approximately a quarter-inch margin from the edge.

    Apply heat to the interfacing and fabric using an iron for a duration of three to five seconds per square, taking care to avoid prolonged exposure to heat.

    How to make a fold and stitch wreath (2)-min

    Step 3: Sew Squares Together

    Please choose your preferred sewing method:

    How to make a fold and stitch wreath (3)-min

    • Remove all backing by using a Teflon or plastic foot.
    • Sew while leaving a small portion of paper on the heat and bond, and remove it later.

    Align the dark squares (with interfacing) with the light squares, placing the right sides together. Secure with pins along the edges.

    How to make a fold and stitch wreath (4)-min

    Sew a quarter-inch seam around the square, ensuring to leave a 2-inch opening for turning. Remember to backstitch at the beginning and end. For ease, start sewing from the center rather than the corner.

    How to make a fold and stitch wreath (5)-min

    Step 4: Turn and Press

    Trim the corners before turning the square right side out.

    How to make a fold and stitch wreath (6)-min

    Carefully push out the corners using a chopstick or your finger.

    How to make a fold and stitch wreath (7)-min

    If there is any remaining paper (if using the paper-on method), remove it.

    Press the edges open with your finger and secure with clips.

    How to make a fold and stitch wreath (8)-min

    Use an iron to flatten the squares, ensuring proper adherence of the heat and bond, while avoiding prolonged exposure to heat.

    Step 5: Sew Around Edges

    Stitch a scant quarter-inch seam around the entire project, effectively closing the 2-inch opening and providing a refined finish.

    Step 6: Create Template

    Cut a 5.5-inch square from cardstock material. Measure 2.75 inches from two adjacent points and 0.75 inches from the other two points. Connect the marked spots to create a precise template.

    Step 7: Mark and Sew

    Position the template on a square surface and carefully trace along the designated lines. Fold the fabric precisely along these lines to facilitate the sewing process.

    Align two squares with their light sides facing each other, then sew along the indicated line. Repeat this step for subsequent squares until a complete circle is formed.

    Ensure the final two squares are connected seamlessly to achieve a finished circle.

    Step 8: Fold and Stitch

    1. Gently open the seams between the squares using your finger.
    2. Align each point of the squares, overlapping them by approximately 0.25 inches.
    3. Carefully hand-stitch the points together, considering the use of grippy thimbles for added ease.
    4. After stitching all the points together, trim any excess threads as needed.

    Step 9: Final Touches

    Enhance the wreath by adding buttons or other decorative elements if desired.

    How to make a fold and stitch wreath (9)-min

    Utilize the completed 3D table topper as a centerpiece for your selected occasion or holiday.

    How to make a fold and stitch wreath (10)-min

    How to make a fold and stitch wreath (11)-minHow to make a fold and stitch wreath (12)-min

    Remember to take your time and enjoy the process!

    How to make a fold and stitch wreath (13)-min

    Materials Needed:

    • Two contrasting fabrics (dark and light)
    • Heat and bond light or feather light interfacing
    • Sewing machine
    • Iron
    • Scissors
    • Cardstock for template
    • Marking pen (friction pen or water-soluble)
    • Hand-sewing needle
    • Thimble (optional)
    • Buttons or embellishments (optional)

    See more Quilting Tools here