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Category: Blog



A-Pro Quilter And How To Use Quilting Rulers Properly!

A-Pro Quilter And How To Use Quilting Rulers Properly!

A quilting ruler is essential for achieving the best outcomes, regardless of your levels of quilting ability. These fast guides will teach you how to align your fabric along these lines to reach the required angle and halve cutting time ...

An Awesome Guideline On How To Use A Quilting Frame

An Awesome Guideline On How To Use A Quilting Frame

Are you an artisan making trendy quilts? Besides using quilting machines, do you want to learn more about “How to use a quilting frame” as a great companion for your own craft space? If the answer is yes, you’ve come ...

Why Use Safety Pins Rather Than Straight Pins?

Why Use Safety Pins Rather Than Straight Pins?

Nowadays, using safety pins is more popular among people. Even though they have straight pins for sewing at home, they still go out and buy themselves some safety pins. Then why use safety pins rather than straight pins? In this ...

The Ultimate Guide for DIY Quilting Frame

The Ultimate Guide for DIY Quilting Frame

The quilting trend is spreading like wildfire because everyone can use their imagination and create a unique product. However, when it comes to large products such as blankets, pillowcases, quilting seems to be impossible as it requires a frame that ...